Sunday 19 September 2010

Standards Board to be Abolished

Originally posted at:

The Liberal Democrat local government minister has announced at the Liberal Democrat Party Conference that the Standards Board is to be abolished.  You can see the story here

The minister, Andrew Stunnell, is cited in the report from The Guardian as giving the extraordinary reason that this was because the system was generating "petty complaints and malicious vendettas".  That's one excuse.  Most people think it's because of the Coalition's plans to save money and their hatred of quangos, irrespective of how important the function they perform.  Where is the evidence of these "petty complaints and malicious vendettas"?  Does this Liberal Democrat minister believe that Mr Donald Cameron's complaint against the now ex-Councillor Barry Phelps was petty and malicious?  What could Mr Donald Cameron do to get any justice against Barry Phelps who defamed him?  An expensive legal action for defamation?  Or a letter of complaint to Sir Merrick Cockell to be filed in his bin?  Does this Liberal Democrat minister believe that Mr Justin Downes was petty and malicious in making a complaint against Phelps concerning the sending of  disgusting emails sexualising young underage boys using the Council's email system?  The emails did not reach a criminal standard, but they were disgusting and perverted nonetheless.  Without the complaint made by Mr Justin Downes to the Standards Committee, Phelps might have tried to stay on as Councillor.  So much for the Liberal Democrat commitment to greater openness and transparency at the Town Hall.  It looks like we have been stabbed in the back by the Liberal Democrats once again.

So it seems that Jennifer Ware and Sophia Lambert will be going but not through an honourable resignation but because their jobs will be abolished.  One person who must be very happy with the news that the Standards Board is being abolished is Barry Phelps.  We can only fear how many other pervert Councillors like him will be strengthened in their positions now that one means of complaining against them is to end.
As we have said on this blog, those who place their hope in the Liberal Democrats to bring about change at the Town Hall will be bitterly disappointed.
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