Sunday 12 September 2010

Residents Groups in Earls Court Back Barry Phelps

Originally posted at:

An extraordinary leaflet was posted through the letterboxes of residents in Earls Court last week.  It was entitled "PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL CONCERNED EARLS COURT RESIDENTS Concerning the Removal of Popular, Hardworking Councillor Barry Phelps from Friends and Supporters of Barry Phelps".  Just who these friends and supporters are, the leaflet did not specify.  The leaflet only states at the bottom of the page that "This letter has been produced by Local Residents Groups, Conservative Party Members and
Barry Phelps Supporters across Earls Court and the Royal Borough."  It then goes on to state that "Barry and Elizabeth [Arbuthnot, an Independent candidate that the leaflet urges its readers to vote for] have played no part in this letter."  The blog wonders just which residents groups and individuals are the supporters of Phelps mentioned in this leaflet?  Could one of Phelps' supporters be Gay Wilson, the spokesperson of the Earls Court Village Residents Association who lavished praise on Phelps after his resignation?  Or is Jennifer Ware another one of Phelps' anonymous supporters who instigated the production and distribution of this leaflet?  Or is the former Committee Member of the Earls Court Village Residents Association, who was on Phelps' pervert email list, and also sent dog excrement through the post to a neighbour, also one of the supporters behind this leaflet?  If so, they all have good reason to remain anonymous, and that is without stating the obvious fact that as more information of Phelps' disgusting emails has been disseminated to a wider public, not least through this blog, the defenders of Phelps in spite of all this would rightly be viewed with dismay and disgust.

The leaflet is bizarre also because it is both illiterate and gives a completely phoney reason for Phelps' resignation while omitting the real reason, namely his sending images sexualising young underage boys with smutty captions using the Council's email server.  Instead, the leaflet comes up with the most ridiculous conspiracy theory that  Phelps "has had to stand down after a two year campaign by a small number of top Conservatives, who see Barry Phelps as a threat to there [sic] position."  The leaflet represents the complete overlooking of Phelps' pervert conduct, and in common with his defenders, focusses on his alleged work for the residents of Earls Court.  If Phelps was "popular" with residents in Earls Court, this blog believes it did not extend beyond that cabal that exists in the Earls Court Society and some of the activists in the Residents Associations.  The blog is aware of how deeply unpopular Phelps was with many residents, some of whom have informed this blog that he made their lives very difficult.  This is because of Phelps' arrogant and bullying manner, for which he was reprimanded earlier this year at the Standards Committee over a complaint made against him by a resident of the Borough, Mr Donald Cameron, whom Phelps had defamed.  Phelps would abuse his position as a Councillor and pick on individuals who had no means to respond to his bullying.  Far from regarding Phelps as popular, many residents were glad to see him go, and it can also be said that many of his colleagues on the Council, including Councillors and officers at the Council, were also delighted to see him go.

But what is most disturbing about this leaflet is that the individuals involved in its production and distribution must have read the Council's website, the newspapers and even this blog to find out the real reason for Phelps' resignation and yet this leaflet makes no mention of it.  Are these individuals so supportive of Phelps that it does not matter to them that he sent images sexualising young underage boys to a secret list of fellow perverts for their sexual gratification?  Perhaps they should consider whether their support for Phelps would extend as far as being happy to have him around their children or grand children with a camera in his hand.  If they would rightly be cautious about this, then maybe they might begin to understand why the rest of us feel strongly that this pervert had to resign.      Print this post